Monday, December 29, 2008

Romans 3:24 (Amp.) says, "[All] are justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His grace, through the redemption which is [provided] in Christ Jesus." 

Let's talk about grace.  The grace of God.  In scripture the word 'grace' is translated from the greek word 'charis', meaning 'favor', or as the Amplified version explains, 'unmerrited favor and mercy'.

When we ask God to forgive us, we are saved (delivered from judgement) by His grace (unmerrited favor and mercy).  He gives His grace freely.  It is impossible to gain His favor by doing 'good works', for it is not our 'works' that saves us or justifies us in His eyes.  ONLY by the grace of God are we saved (delivered from judgement).

Does this mean that once we are saved we never have to do good works?  Absolutely not! God then equips us with the abilities needed to fullfill His awesome purpose for us, whatever that may be.  And if we are obedient to Him, He will use us no matter where we are.  Whether we volunteer at a local shelter, travel to far away countries, stay at home with our children, or have a corporate career.

Bottom DO NOT save us or make us okay.  God's grace is it. 

Ask Him to forgive your sins, and invite Him to be the Lord of your life. Freely, and graciously He will do what you ask.  

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In my quest to prove that you don't have to be an idiot to believe in God, I chose to use Solomon as an example.  Solomon had a passion for knowledge and wisdom.  He asked God to give him an "understanding mind and a hearing heart" so that he could discern between good and bad for the people of Israel.

God was pleased with Solomon for asking for "understanding to recognize what is just and right", rather than asking for "long life and riches".  So God gave Solomon wisdom and a discerning mind, and a long life and riches, too!  God also tells him that no one before him was equal to him and no one after him shall be equal to him.  Either he was a genius or everyone else was really stupid...

I learned that Solomon was a literary genius.  Kings came from all over to hear him speak (ref. I Kings 4:34).  He lectured on botany and zoology (ref. I Kings 4:33).  He was a political ruler who ruled over all the kingdoms from the Euphrates River to the land of the Philistines and to the border of Egypt.  He had dominion over all the region west of the Euphrates River, from Tiphsah (modern Syria) to Gaza, over all the kings west of the River, and there was peace on all sides around him (ref. I Kings 4:21, 24).  Solomon was a scientist, a businessman with vast enterprises (ref. I Kings 4:26), a poet (ref. I Kings 4:32), moralist, and preacher.  (ref. I Kings 4 & 9).

So the question it possible to be a believer and be intelligent?  Absolutely!  History if filled with men and women with extraordinary intelligence, that believe in the one true living God. Solomon is a perfect example of that.   

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mark 1:15 (NIV) Jesus says,"The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news."

What does it mean to repent?  It means to have a complete change of mind.  To turn away from your sin, and change your behavior.

What does the word believe mean?  According to my study, believe translates to English from Greek as pisteuo Pisteuo means to trust in, rely on, and adhere to.

When we accept Jesus Christ as our savior, we must put away our old self.  Turn completely from our sin, and we trust, rely on, and adhere to good news (the Gospel).  

Many will say it's hard to be a Christian in this day and age, but it isn't.  Not if you seek God's will in your life, and allow His Holy Spirit to lead you.  That doesn't mean you won't have trials, and temptations, because the enemy will most certainly attack where you are the most vulnerable, but the beauty of it is, Immanu'el (God is with us)!  Sometimes He will carry us, and other times He will walk beside us.  Either way, He helps us through it.

The short of it is...Ask Jesus to come into your heart.  Turn from your sin.  Love others as God has loved us.  Can't get much simpler than that, can it?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

When we become a born again Christian, the old person begins to disappear.  For some of us the change happens more rapidly, but for others it is a slower process.  The Holy Spirit now dwells within us, and leads us.  Our sin is exposed, and we begin to really see it for what it is.  It is ugly, and putrid, and hideous.  

Often times we lose friends, and/or the support of family members because of this change that is taking place. We never stop changing, and growing.  Eventually, we are no longer invited to certain parties, or get-togethers, and it struck me recently, why this is.  It's not because these friends and/or family members don't love us, or care for us anymore, they simply become uncomfortable with us.   They don't feel comfortable drinking, or swearing in our presence.  When you're in the room they don't feel comfortable listening to certain music, or watching certain movies or TV shows.  They may feel like you are judging them.   Why?

Jesus says in Matthew 5:14-15, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.  15 Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a peck measure, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house."  

What is sin?  It is darkness.  What happens when you turn on the light? The light exposes all that is in the darkness.  Your light exposes the sin in their own lives.

You will know you are walking on the straight path when you no longer fit in.  When the world no longer wants you.

"See what an incredible quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should be permitted to be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are! The reason that the world does not know (recognize, acknowledge) us is that it does not know (recognize, acknowledge) Him."  1 John 3:1 Amplified

Friday, November 21, 2008

'Translating the Bible from the Hebrew and Greek causes meanings to be lost' is just an excuse to omit those scriptures that convict one of their sin.  When we take the title of 'Christian' we cannot pick and choose what scripture we will believe or not believe.  We cannot conform scripture to suit us.  We must conform to scripture. 

Those that call themselves Christians, and try to conform scripture to suit their carnality have been blinded by the enemy.  II Corinthians 4:4 Amplified says:  For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers' minds (that they should not discern the truth), preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ (the Messiah), Who is the Image and Likeness of God. 

1 Corinthians 2:14 NIV also applies.  The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

If one has received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but continues to sin, or turns a blind eye to, or condones the sin of others, and refuses to acknowledge ALL of scripture is valid and is Truth, then what does this mean for them?  Are they truly saved?  How can one be truly born again, and continue to disregard the Word of God, and live a life of disobedience?  I don't think it's possible.  I believe that when one sincerely gives their life to Christ, that it is impossible to continue living a habitually sinful life.  That's not to say that one will never be tempted to sin or fail from time to time.  So when we fail we come to the throne to confess our sin, then we will be forgiven.  The Holy Spirit puts in us a desire to be right with God.  We no longer have the desire to sin.  We desire to be Holy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Every kingdom split up agaist itself is doomed and brougtht to desolation, and so house falls upon house.  Luke 11:17 (AMP)

This nation has never been more divided.  I have never seen more hatred and intolerance for Christians.

The results of this election has set the wheels in motion.  There will be a honeymoon period, then all hell will break loose. I pray God gives us the strength to endure.  

The people of this nation have prostituted themselves to greed and self gratification far too long, and God has just handed them exactly what they've been crying for.  A "savior".  Except this "savior" will only devour.

I thank God that the vale has been removed from my eyes so that I can see Truth. I have placed my eyes on the One and Only Savior, Jesus Messiah.  We must pray without ceasing that not one of God's sheep will be lost!   

Monday, October 27, 2008

I received this in my email this morning, and I could never have said it better.  Please take the time to read it.  I checked it out on, and found it to be legit.  It is an email written by Huntley Brown to his friends who asked him to support Obama.  Huntley is a black concert pianist, who is also a Christian.

You can read his comments on snopes at


Why I Can't Vote For Obama
By Huntley Brown

Dear Friends,

A few months ago I was asked for my perspective on Obama, I sent out an email with a few points. With the election just around the corner I decided to complete my perspective. Those of you on my e-list have seen some of this before but it's worth repeating...

First I must say whoever wins the election will have my prayer support.  Obama needs to be commended for his accomplishments but I need to explain why I will not be voting for him.

Many of my friends process their identity through their blackness. I process my identity through Christ. Being a Christian (a Christ follower) means He leads, I follow. I can't dictate the terms, He does because He is the leader.

I can't vote black because I am black; I have to vote Christian because that's who I am. Christian first, black second.  Neither should anyone from other ethnic groups vote because of ethnicity. 200 years from now I won't be asked if I was black or white. I will be asked if I knew Jesus and accepted Him as Lord and Savior.

In an election there are many issues to consider but when a society gets abortion, same-sex marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, human cloning - to name a few, then wrong economic concerns will soon not matter. 

We need to follow Martin Luther King's words, 'don't judge someone by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.' I don't know Obama, so all I can go on is his voting record. His voting record earned him the title of the most liberal senator in the US Senate in 2007.

<> NATIONAL JOURNAL: Obama: Most Liberal Senator in 2007 (01/31/2008)

To beat Ted Kennedy and Hilary Clinton as the most liberal senator, takes some doing. Obama accomplished this feat in 2 short years. I wonder what would happen to America if he had four years to work with.

There is a reason Planned Parenthood gives him a 100 % rating.  There is a reason the homosexual community supports him.  There is a reason Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Castro, Hamas etc. love him.  There is a reason he said he would nominate liberal judges to the Supreme Court. There is a reason he voted against the infanticide bill.  There is a reason he voted 'No' on the constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. There is a reason he voted 'No' on banning partial birth abortion. There is a reason he voted 'No' on confirming Justices Roberts and Alito. These two judges are conservatives and they have since overturned partial birth abortion. The same practice Obama wanted to continue.

Let's take a look at the practice he wanted to continue.  The 5 Step Partial Birth Abortion procedures:

A. Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby's leg with forceps.
(Remember this is a live baby)
B. The baby's leg is pulled out into the birth canal.
C. The abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head.
D. The abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull. The scissors are the opene to enlarge the hole.
E. The scissors are removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The child's brains are sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed.

God help him.

There is a reason Obama opposed the parental notification law.

Think about this:  You can' not give a child an aspirin without parental notification but that same child can have an abortion without parental notification. This is insane.

There is a reason Obama went to Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years.

Obama tells us he has good judgment, but he sat under Jeremiah Wright's teaching for 20 years. Now he is condemning Wright's sermons. I wonder why now?

Obama said Jeremiah Wright led him to the Lord and discipled him.  A disciple is one in training. Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19 - 20 'Go and make disciples of all nations.' This means reproduce yourself. Teach people to think like you, walk like you; talk like you believe what you believe etc. 
The question I have is what did Jeremiah Wright teach him?

Would you support a White President who went to a church which has tenets that said they have a  

1. Commitment to the White Community
2. Commitment to the White Family
3. Adherence to the White Work Ethic
4. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the White Community.
5. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting White Institutions
6. Pledge allegiance to all White leadership who espouse and embrace the White Value System
7. Personal commitment to embracement of the White Value System.

Would you support a President who went to a church like that? 

Just change the word from white to black and you have the tenets of Obama's former church.   If President Bush was a member of a church like this, he would be called a racist. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton would have been marching outside.

This kind of church is a racist church. Obama did not wake up after 20 years and just discover he'd been going to a racist church.  The TRUE church can't be about race.  Jesus did not come for any particular race. He came for the whole world.

A church can't have a value system based on race. The churches value system has to be based on biblical mandates. It does not matter if it's a white church or a black church based on racial values, it's still wrong.  Anyone from either race that attends a church like this would never get my vote.

Obama's former Pastor Jeremiah Wright is a disciple of liberal theologian James Cone, author of the 1970 book 'the goals of the black community'. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.

Cone is the man Obama's mentor looks up to. Does Obama believe this?

So what does all this mean for the nation?

In the past when the Lord brought someone with the beliefs of Obama to lead a nation it meant one thing -

Read 1 Samuel 8 when Israel asked for a king. First God says in 1 Samuel 1:9 'Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do.'

Then God says

1 Samuel 1:18 ' When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day.' 19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. 'No!' they said. 'We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.'  21 When Samuel heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the LORD. 22 The LORD answered, 'Listen to them and give them a king.'

Here is what we know for sure. 

God is not schizophrenic

He would not tell one person to vote for Obama and one to vote for McCain.  As the scripture says, a city divided against itself cannot stand, so obviously many people are not hearing from God.  Maybe I am the one not hearing but I know God does not change and Obama contradicts many things I read in scripture so I doubt it.

For all my friends who are voting for Obama can you really look God in the face and say; Father ,based on your word, I am voting for Obama even though I know he will continue the genocidal practice of partial birth abortion.  He might have to nominate three or four Supreme Court justices, and I am sure he will be nominating liberal judges who will be making laws that are against you.  I also know he will continue to push for homosexual rights, even though you destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for this.  I know I can look the other way because of the economy.

I could not see Jesus agreeing with many of Obama's positions. Finally I have two questions for all my liberal friends.

Since we know someone's value system has to be placed on the nation,
1. Whose value system should be placed on the nation.

2.  Who should determine that this is the right value system for the nation?


Huntley Brown

Saturday, October 25, 2008's election time once more, and a very important one at that. As each of us wonders which candidate will help improve the economy, and bring the war to an end, I ask several far more important questions. Which candidate values the life of an unborn child? Which candidate values the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman? Which candidate is not afraid to say it is wrong to take the life of an innocent little baby...who does not think it is "above his pay grade" to say so? Which candidate does not look down his nose at those who "cling to their guns and their religion"? At the risk of offending anyone, I will just come out and say it. McCain is he.

If Obama is elected we will become a socialist, or communist society. A government who will take our freedoms away. Our freedom to pray in public places. Our freedom to choose not to purchase health insurance if we choose. Our freedom to bear arms. Our freedom to oppose laws we see as wrong or unjust. Our freedom of religion. The list goes on. Those of us who have worked hard for their money will be forced to give charity to those who believe it's the governments job to provide for them. The small business owner, such as Chris and I will be penalized if we do not provide health insurance for our employees. It does not matter if we have 10 employees or just one! Health insurance is a privilege, not a right.  

If we pull our troops out of the middle east now, we will be seen as weak by our enemies, and be more vulnerable to more terrorist attacks on our own soil. We can not have "discussions" with an enemy that sees Christians and Jews as dogs. If we do not drill here, and use our own natural resources to become energy independent, we can not survive as a free nation much longer. We must vote NO to big government, to socialism, to a man who associates with domestic terrorists, a man who was pastored for 20 years by a racist who hates America!  

My relationship with Christ has determined my political views, and I can not separate my faith from my politics. I can not, in good conscience, vote for a man such as Obama.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hey everyone!
Assuming you all are conservative (and praying you have a change of heart if you're not), this link is a GOP voter guide to take with you when you vote.  It includes conservative judges, and other city, county and state officials. 
I didn't know this before, but if you pull a straight ticket it does NOT select the President or Vice President!  The President, Vice President, and all Judicial candidates MUST be selected separately.
It is extremely important that you select conservative judges, as well as conservative candidates!  These candidates tend to make social decisions that best represent Biblical principles more so than liberal candidates.
What ever you feel about the war and the economy, Biblical principles are more important, because without these, our safety and our economy will be lost.  We should NEVER compromise God's principles!  He will show us mercy only for as long as we are obedient to Him. 
Please vote this election!  If you are not registered you can still register and vote early.  I plan to vote early, so if anyone wants to carpool with me I will be happy to drive, or you can follow me.  I can seat four extra people.  It would be fun for a group of us to get together and take part in this most important election.  Remember, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain! 
Again, you can register and vote at the same time!  You have no excuse.
Let me know if any of you are interested in voting early.
God bless each of you!

Monday, September 8, 2008

This is worth watching.  Sarah Palin speaks at Wasilla Assembly of God.

It doesn't matter whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent; what matters is that you vote this election, and that you vote for the Candidates that best represents the Kingdom of God!  If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain.
There is far more at stake here than high gas prices, healthcare, abortion rights, or gay marriage.  The freedoms of Christians, and every citizen of the USA are trampled on more and more everyday.  With McCain and Palin in office, we will be able to, to quote Obama, "cling to our faith & guns", at least four more years. 
Something to chew on. 

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This time the Religious Right is right (

If you are a child of the one true God, read this article before you vote in November. This time the Religious Right is right (

We may not agree with many of McCains policies, but at least, I believe, he is who he says he is. Obama is a deceiver. There is far more to this man than meets the eye. If you read and meditate on God's word, you will see the truth.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Interesting... I just read this interesting article by Cal Thomas, titled "Obama is no Joshua " He refers to Obama as a false prophet, but one of his readers more appropriately calls him a false teacher. Either way, Obama is misleading many people, including some Christians. Read Cal's article. He quotes some things that Obama has said regarding his so called "Christianity". None of it holds up in Bible Court. There are NOT many paths to salvation. There is only one, and it is laid out plain and simple in God's Holy Word. Matthew 7:13 says, 13Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Believing Jesus is the Son of God does not a Christian make. Being a Christian is so much more than than just believing. Even Satan believes Jesus is the Son of God!

It is putting Christ first, above all else. It is seeking a deeper relationship with Him. It is a desire to truly know Him. It is obedience to His word, applying it to our everyday lives. It is true love. Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37,
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' In John 14:15 Jesus says, 'If you love me, you will obey what I command.'

Obama claims to be a Christian. What do you think? I haven't really seen or heard any evidence supporting that. At least nothing that remotely resembles Biblical truth.

The scriptures warn us about false prophets. Matthew 24:10-11 says,
'At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.' Wikipedia says, 'Traditionally, prophets are regarded as having a role in society that promotes change due to their messages and actions.'

I'm not suggesting that Obama is a prophet, by religious definition. I am suggesting, however, that he may be seen as somewhat of a prophet by many of his supporters. I also believe he is deceiving a lot of people. People are so hungry for something different. Hungry for "change". Obama is extremely charismatic, and people are drawn to him like a magnet. I may be way off, but I get a sense that he is leading the poor little lambs to slaughter.

Do religion and politics belong together. I believe, yes. God has placed leaders above us to guide us and direct us, but unfortunately, democracy has given way for fewer and fewer Godly men to be in leadership. We, as Christians have been a sleep, or maybe been too afraid to stand up for the things of God. We have been passive. I think Christians have confused meekness with passivity.

I can whole heartedly, and assuredly say that I AM A CHRISTIAN. I am not ashamed. What about you?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Word of the day - Discipline. Moreover, self-discipline.

To discipline means to teach, or instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct, or to adhere to a certain order.

We often cringe when we hear the word discipline, but discipline is an act of love, an act of kindness and mercy. Just as we discipline our children to teach them the way they should go, and to protect them, God disciplines us (Deuteronomy 8:5). Scripture says that if we are not disciplined, then we are illegitimate children, not true children of God (Hebrews 12:8).

Self-discipline means training one's self to accomplish a certain task or to adopt a particular pattern of behavior, even though one would really rather be doing something different or behave in a different manner.

When we are self-disciplined, we deny the flesh, or the sinful nature. We walk according to the Spirit, and not according to the flesh. Those who are not self-disciplined can not please God (Romans 8:1-17).

Todays society is an undisciplined one. Even many Christians are living undisciplined lives. Eating too much, drinking too much, spending too much, gossip too much, and so on. Without God's discipline we are like unruly children with no direction. We are lost.

Ask God today, in what area of my life am I undisciplined? Psalm 139:23-24 says, 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

When we walk in the way everlasting, with Yeshua the Messiah as King, we experience the fullness of God's peace.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I am appalled and dismayed each time I read an article about a school that blatantly disregards the right of a students freedom of religious expression.  Of course, this only applies to Christians. Read this article at

God bless those students who have put on the breast plate of righteousness, and are bold for our precious Messiah, Yeshua!  God have mercy on those who persecute His Saints, for they know not what they do.  Remove the scales from their eyes, so that they may see your Truth.

Our youth is so troubled today because of this kind of non-thinking.  Over the past 30 years, as basic Christian principles have been removed from the classroom, it has become a battle ground. Our kids are suffering.  They are killing each other...and themselves.  The destroyer is working overtime on our children as they become future, Godless teachers, leaders, and parents raising up a new, Godless generation...that is if they haven't murdered their classmates and then taken their own lives first.

Monday, March 3, 2008

It pays to be an activist!

While I was waiting in the check-out line at Bi-Lo, perusing the magazines, I noticed, at child's eye level, the swim suit (or not) edition of Sports Illustrated. The girl on the cover was not. Her bottoms were barely covering her private parts, and her top was nil. Her breasts were bare with only a string of beads covering her nipples...and not doing a very good job of it.

Being the big mouth that I am, I told the cashier that the check-out line is no place for Sports Illustrated. She agreed. I wasn't satisfied, so when I got home I emailed Bi-Lo's corporate office, and today I received an email from Susan Laws, administrative assistant for Bi-Lo, stating that the magazine has been removed from the shelves. Awesome!

Friday, February 29, 2008

If you haven't been yet, I strongly recommend going to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC. I pass by it nearly daily, but had never visited until today. It's really fascinating to see so much memorabilia from Billy's travels in ministry. The food isn't too bad, either. They have sandwiches, salads, soup, cookies, etc. Ruth Graham's headstone says, "Construction has ended. Thank you for your patience".

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Are magazine sales so low that they have to run 21 prescription drug ads, as in Ladies' Home Journal?

I don't subscribe to magazines, but my mother-in-law does, and she gives me a stack when we visit.

As I was thumbing through a few of these magazines I started to notice the huge, and by huge I mean one, number of prescription drug ads. I was board, so I started to count them. Ladies' Home Journal wins a blue ribbon for the most ads at a count of 21, with Family Circle coming in second place at 16 ads, Women's Day & Better Homes and Gardens both in third place with 10 ads, & finally Southern Living in fourth place with only 6 ads. Women's Day magazine is only a fraction in thickness of the other ones, so 10 ads should technically raise it to about second place, along with Family Circle.

If you're tired of being bombarded with prescription drug ads on television and in magazines, go to and petition your congressman or congresswoman to introduce the Public Health Protection Act.

Did you know that recreational drugs are far less likely to kill you than prescription drugs? I don't, however, suggest using recreational drugs.

Go to the archives and look for the article dated 2008/1/15, or copy and paste the link below.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I learned something very interesting today. You've heard the adage, 'hot water opens pores, and cold water close pores'. Well...this article I read says that to every wives tail is some truth.

Here is a snippet:

Heat and humidity causes acne flare-ups because the skin "swells" from the cardiovascular system kicking in. When you get hot or exercise, two things happen at once. Your skin swells from the freshly oxygenated blood sent to the surface to feed the muscles that are "working" and then you start to perspire producing acids and salts to "cool" the body off. This combination of swelling skin with acids and salts irritates and dries the skin and can cause ZITS to get worse and become larger.

When you ICE lesions or areas, which are covered with Zits, these areas shrink slightly in size. This allows acne products to work more quickly to minimize or eradicate these lesions. Ice your face with an ice cube for one minute before applying your products. A Physician would have you do this for a sprain, burn, or bruise to reduce swelling and irritation. Keep these Acne Fighting Products in the refrigerator because they also work more quickly when cold.

If you want to read the entire article go to

Sounds like a plan. I'll be
tryin' the ice thing. Now, I'll just have to install a mini fridge in my bathroom to store my skin care products.