Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I learned something very interesting today. You've heard the adage, 'hot water opens pores, and cold water close pores'. Well...this article I read says that to every wives tail is some truth.

Here is a snippet:

Heat and humidity causes acne flare-ups because the skin "swells" from the cardiovascular system kicking in. When you get hot or exercise, two things happen at once. Your skin swells from the freshly oxygenated blood sent to the surface to feed the muscles that are "working" and then you start to perspire producing acids and salts to "cool" the body off. This combination of swelling skin with acids and salts irritates and dries the skin and can cause ZITS to get worse and become larger.

When you ICE lesions or areas, which are covered with Zits, these areas shrink slightly in size. This allows acne products to work more quickly to minimize or eradicate these lesions. Ice your face with an ice cube for one minute before applying your products. A Physician would have you do this for a sprain, burn, or bruise to reduce swelling and irritation. Keep these Acne Fighting Products in the refrigerator because they also work more quickly when cold.

If you want to read the entire article go to

Sounds like a plan. I'll be
tryin' the ice thing. Now, I'll just have to install a mini fridge in my bathroom to store my skin care products.

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