Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Oh my goodness... I'm still encountering people with their heads in the proverbial sand. For crying out loud...Afghanistan is NOT an ally...the Muslim religion (according to the Koran) is NOT a peaceful religion. Yes, there are some people who claim to be Muslim, but do not adhere to the entire Koran. That is no different than people who claim to be Christian, but do not adhere to the entire Holy Scripture. If you do not adhere to the entire word of your religion, i.e. faith, you are not a true follower. True followers are willing to die for their faith. The difference between Islam and Christianity is that Muslims are willing to blow themselves up, along with innocent people in the hopes of going to heaven, and Christians are willing to suffer themselves and sacrifice only their own lives in the name of Christ Jesus with the knowledge that they WILL go to heaven.

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