Saturday, October 25, 2008's election time once more, and a very important one at that. As each of us wonders which candidate will help improve the economy, and bring the war to an end, I ask several far more important questions. Which candidate values the life of an unborn child? Which candidate values the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman? Which candidate is not afraid to say it is wrong to take the life of an innocent little baby...who does not think it is "above his pay grade" to say so? Which candidate does not look down his nose at those who "cling to their guns and their religion"? At the risk of offending anyone, I will just come out and say it. McCain is he.

If Obama is elected we will become a socialist, or communist society. A government who will take our freedoms away. Our freedom to pray in public places. Our freedom to choose not to purchase health insurance if we choose. Our freedom to bear arms. Our freedom to oppose laws we see as wrong or unjust. Our freedom of religion. The list goes on. Those of us who have worked hard for their money will be forced to give charity to those who believe it's the governments job to provide for them. The small business owner, such as Chris and I will be penalized if we do not provide health insurance for our employees. It does not matter if we have 10 employees or just one! Health insurance is a privilege, not a right.  

If we pull our troops out of the middle east now, we will be seen as weak by our enemies, and be more vulnerable to more terrorist attacks on our own soil. We can not have "discussions" with an enemy that sees Christians and Jews as dogs. If we do not drill here, and use our own natural resources to become energy independent, we can not survive as a free nation much longer. We must vote NO to big government, to socialism, to a man who associates with domestic terrorists, a man who was pastored for 20 years by a racist who hates America!  

My relationship with Christ has determined my political views, and I can not separate my faith from my politics. I can not, in good conscience, vote for a man such as Obama.

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