If you are one of those poor people that believe the FDA, please read the following article on the latest findings for the safety, or lack thereof, of the artificial sweetener, Splenda.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/10/New-Study-of-Splenda-Reveals-Shocking-Information-About-Potential-Harmful-Effects.aspxThe fact is, ALL artificial sweeteners are unsafe, at least for the long term. It's best to opt out all together. The FDA says the additives, preservatives, artificial this and artificial are perfectly safe in such small doses...well, add all those small doses up and over time you become a walking time bomb. Your body becomes so toxic that you begin to have digestive problems, develop allergies, are diagnosed with various types of cancers, or develop migraine headaches, etc. The list goes on.
Is real sugar any better? Not much. It has been processed so much that it no longer has any nutritional value, and is laced with chlorine residues. So what do you do? If you must have sugar, eat raw organic sugar. There are many other options to take sugars place, as well. Agave nectar, evaporated cane juice, stevia, raw honey (not heated), pure maple syrup, and a few others. You will pay more, but what price are you willing to pay for better health?