Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I am appalled and dismayed each time I read an article about a school that blatantly disregards the right of a students freedom of religious expression.  Of course, this only applies to Christians. Read this article at

God bless those students who have put on the breast plate of righteousness, and are bold for our precious Messiah, Yeshua!  God have mercy on those who persecute His Saints, for they know not what they do.  Remove the scales from their eyes, so that they may see your Truth.

Our youth is so troubled today because of this kind of non-thinking.  Over the past 30 years, as basic Christian principles have been removed from the classroom, it has become a battle ground. Our kids are suffering.  They are killing each other...and themselves.  The destroyer is working overtime on our children as they become future, Godless teachers, leaders, and parents raising up a new, Godless generation...that is if they haven't murdered their classmates and then taken their own lives first.